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PMJ energy News 9

PMJ was founded in 2019, whose main business is in coal trading. PMJ has played as a coal trader nationally from 2019 until now.  At the end of 2020 PMJ had a big changes in ownership.

About Our Subsidiaries

1. Hertz 

It was established in 2021, its core business are weapon industries and weapons importer, hertz has been producing PCP (Pre-Charged pneumatic) Rifle and it’s component.

2. BBE

It was established in 2019, its core business as Tins Contractor and rare earth. BBE has a contract with PT Timah to work on PT Timah land concession at Bangka Barat.

3. EBM Plantation

Ebm plantation core business is oil palm plantation, its own and organized almost 3000 acre, and its located in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan.